What are the Different types of Diabetes?

What are the Different types of Diabetes?

The American Diabetes Association adopted the following classification in 1979.

Type 1: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2: Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

There is another type of diabetes called Gestational Diabetes that occurs in pregnant women.

Type-1 Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is commonly found in children and/or adolescents, but may also occur in adults. This is the most severe form of diabetes. It develops when pancreas makes little or no insulin. Without insulin in the blood stream, sugar does not get into the cells, and remains in the blood. As a result, the most common treatment is insulin injections, a lifestyle that consists of both diet and exercise and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels with the use of blood testing monitors. Patients who have been diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes can continue to enjoy a normal life, provided they continue with their treatment and take special care to follow their doctor’s instructions and/or recommendations.

Type-2 Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

This type of diabetes is also known as adult onset diabetes. It seldom develops before the age of 40 years, although it may occur at any stage. Infact the incidence of type-2 diabetes in adolescents in on the rise. With type 2 diabetes, an individual’s insulin level is usually either normal or sometimes even elevated, but is not deficient. This form of diabetes is believed to be more complicated than type 1, but ironically is thought to be easier to treat. Because insulin is still being produced inside the body, type 2 diabetes often goes undetected for years. Symptoms are milder and may even be sporadic, which often reduces the level of concern. The main problem with type 2 diabetes going unnoticed is the potential for serious complications, including renal failure and coronary artery disease. The initial treatment phase of type 2 diabetes will likely include a lifestyle adjustment to feature increased physical activity and a diet that is geared toward weight loss. The next step, if necessary, will be medication and possibly insulin therapy if needed.

Both types of diabetes require that the patient maintain normal blood glucose levels in an effort to reduce the possibility of organ damage, including eyesight, kidney, blood circulation, etc. In order for this to occur, patients must carefully monitor their food intake and make sure to participate in regular exercise, all the while continuing to monitor their blood glucose level.

Check your blood glucose levels with Control D regularly to manage your Diabetes.

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